You are reading: Awarded MSC Best Sustainable Product of the Year 2021
calculating... March 8, 2021

Awarded MSC Best Sustainable Product of the Year 2021

March 5, 2021, The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) announced Fremantle Octopus as the winner of the MSC Best Sustainable Product of the year in the 2021 Australian Awards.

We are extremely proud of this achievement and would like to thank the MSC for being the driving force, behind the push for sustainable fishing practices.

This award highlights our love for the ocean, and the importance of sustainable fishing practices to ensure stock sustainability, minimum ecosystem impacts, and effective management of the Western Australia Octopus Fishery.

We would like to thank everyone in the Fremantle Octopus family for their relentless dedication and hard work to uphold the highest sustainability standards, whilst continually researching and innovating to forever be a global leader in sustainable Octopus fishing practices.

Congratulations to all the other MSC Award Winners for 2021!

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